What Psychologists Want You to Know About Trauma

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In pop culture, many psychological concepts are frequently misunderstood–for example, many people mistakenly believe that feelings of sadness are the same as ongoing clinical depression. One of the concepts that is often the most seriously misunderstood is trauma. Fortunately, psychologists such as Dr. James Campbell are here to help clear up what trauma actually is. Keep reading to learn what psychologists want you to know about trauma.

What Psychologists Want You to Know About Trauma

What Causes Trauma?

One thing you should know about trauma is that it can be caused by a variety of factors. While traumatic experiences often involve a threat to your life or safety, any stressful experience that leaves you feeling scared or overwhelmed can result in trauma. Trauma isn’t confined to single, discrete experiences, either, and it can also be caused by prolonged, relentless stress. For example, someone who was involved in a car accident and someone who experienced ongoing bullying can both be traumatized by their experiences.

Symptoms of Trauma

Another thing that psychologists wish more people knew about trauma is the many symptoms it can cause. Some of the possible emotional effects of trauma include feeling sad, hopeless, disconnected, numb, guilty, ashamed, confused, or shocked. Physically, you may experience fatigue, insomnia, nightmares, aches and pains, muscle tension, or a racing heartbeat. Other common symptoms include becoming startled more easily, having difficulty concentrating, or becoming hypervigilant to possible danger, even when in a safe environment.

Trauma Needs Validation

A third thing that psychologists want people to know about trauma is that no one can heal from their experiences without acknowledging that their pain and suffering are real and validating their emotional response. Trauma symptoms are normal responses to abnormal experiences, and trying to “power through” them or will them away by “sucking it up”  will not work.

If you or a loved one is having difficulty dealing with trauma, contact the office of Dr. James Campbell, LLC to schedule an appointment. Healing is possible, and you should not be ashamed to seek help.