How to Recognize Physical Symptoms of Anxiety

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One issue psychologists often deal with is the difficulties caused by the different ways psychologists and other mental health professionals use certain words and the way the general public uses the same terms. For example, when a layperson uses the word anxiety, they usually mean a temporary nervousness, but when a psychologist uses this word, they are talking about a serious, ongoing mental health issue. In addition, most people assume anxiety resides in the brain, but psychologists know it can affect the rest of the body as well. This article covers a few of the physical symptoms of anxiety. If you are experiencing any of the following issues, contact the office of Dr. James Campbell, LLC to schedule a free consultation.

How to Recognize Physical Symptoms of Anxiety

  • Nausea or Stomach Problems – One way anxiety can manifest in the body is by affecting digestion and appetite. Those suffering from anxiety often experience nausea, stomachaches, or a loss of appetite as part of the disorder.
  • Heart Issues – More physical symptoms of anxiety can be seen in the heart. People with anxiety disorders often experience a racing heartbeat or heart palpitations. These symptoms, like many physical symptoms of anxiety, occur because the autonomic nervous system—the part of the brain that controls involuntary functions, such as the beating of the heart—is reacting to a sense of danger.
  • Shortness of Breath – Those with anxiety often experience shortness of breath as well. If you or a loved one always seems to be out of breath and the issue can’t be explained by a respiratory condition, then it’s possible you have an anxiety disorder.