Do You Have High-Functioning Depression? Watch Out for These Signs

HomeBlogDo You Have High-Functioning Depression? Watch Out for These Signs

Many people assume that those with depression stay home under the covers all day, unable to function or do anything productive. Although depression is a debilitating disease, many people who struggle with this mental illness still get up and do what they need to do every day. If you feel depressed, but you power through your daily life, you may struggle with high-functioning depression.

Do You Have High-Functioning Depression? Watch Out for These Signs

Some of the most common symptoms of high-functioning depression include:

  • Difficulty seeing the bright side of situations and being positive during the day
  • Difficulty mustering the energy and attention to accomplish everyday tasks
  • Always looking for ways to criticize yourself, either inwardly or outwardly to others
  • Regular weight fluctuations as your appetite grows or recedes, depending on your mood
  • Experiencing feelings of hopelessness and sadness for no concrete reason
  • Struggling to appear normal to your peers at school or at work
  • Reliance on substances like drugs or alcohol to help yourself temporarily feel better

With high-functioning depression, you may feel like daily life is an insurmountable obstacle. But since you may not meet society’s definition of someone with depression, you may tell yourself you are fine and that you need to keep going.

Dr. James Campbell wants you to know that even high-functioning depression is a mental illness, and you deserve help and treatment to feel better. Dr. Campbell is here to help you manage the symptoms of your illness and feel better, so contact the office of Dr. James Campbell, LLC today to set up your initial appointment.